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The Washington Teachers' Union

Contract Campaign

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About the ​2023-24 ​Contract ​Campaign

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Last year's contract dealt with big issues to get ​schools reopened safely and ensure educators a ​baseline level of respect needed to stay in the job, ​including retroactive pay raises for the past three ​years when they worked under an expired contract. ​In this contract, teachers are focusing on sustained, ​specific support to help make the entire school ​system safer and more responsive to student ​needs.

Download our two-page summary of WTU’s contract requests ​here. However, we cannot do this alone. We need DCPS to take ​WTU’s #realsolutions seriously. Yet, it took DCPS three months ​after our contract expired to agree to our 1st contract ​negotiations date! DCPS continues to threaten to take away ​current teacher rights from the contract instead of focusing on ​educational issues affecting students and teachers. Teachers ​from across the city continue to rally for a new contract! We will ​not stop! It’s hard to beat a teacher who never gives up!

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Sign our Safe Schools Petition Now!

Invite everyone in your community to sign our

Safe Schools petition now! After signing it, click ​on the social media icons to post the petition to

your social media accounts.

What You Can Do


Join the Contract Action Team!

To sign up, please register here:



Wear Red for Ed on Fridays

Wear red and take a selfie during your ​planning period or lunch break. Post it on ​your social media accounts and email it to ​the WTU: wtuaction@gmail.com


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Our Work

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The Washington Teachers' Union

The time is now! Kids Deserve Safe Schools!


(202) 517-1477

1239 Pennsylvania Ave. SE,

Washington, DC 20003

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